One of my cloud providers announced last summer that everyone would have to start using Two-Factor Authentication to continuing using the cloud. This is a very good cybersecurity move. I tried to implement it in August and the process would not work. I tried again in September with the some results. During those to tries the support staff could turn off the option quickly. I asked them when are they going to fix their software to make this work and got no response.
Well in October the Two-Factor Authentication become mandatory. I tried to implement and was not able to use the cloud tool for a number of days. The Two-Factor Authentication provided did not work!
They finally turned it off for me. Little did I know this was only for thirty days, so in November the Two-Factor Authentication reappeared and it did not work. Took many hours to finally get support to turn it off.
Yes here a few days ago it came back on. Â Once again it was dysfunctional! I could not get it to work consistently.
Was I wrong to make it very clear to the support staff that their performance was highly incompetent?
I know that you are very dysfunctional if you deploy all-or-nothing thinking as a business strategy.